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সাংগঠনিক কাঠামো

Employee Information:
Error number, name of the last working office, date of birth, date of appointment, date of joining the current office, the current address of the current address
1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10
1 Md Abu Sahid Haider,
The auditor. The UAE,
Mymensingh 01/03 /
59 Zoo as the editor on 16/11/1987
As the Auditor 03/10/2011 09/03 /
2017 Village: Mahmudpur
PO is nominal
Upazila: Bhaluka
District: Mymensingh Balashpur,
Md. Moazzem Hossain, Auditor UoO,
Mymensingh 30/08 /
63 16/04/1984 10/07/16 Gram: Azmatpur
PO Rahmatpur
Thana headquarters
District: Mymensingh Village: Azmatpur
PO Rahmatpur
Thana headquarters
District: Mymensingh
3 Mohammad Jahirtal Islam, the editor
The UAE,
Mymensingh 30/11 /
79 27/11/2004 (Oprah) 22/06/16 gram ~ ~ Saudagram,
Po khartayajani,
Thana: Muttagagha
District: Daimamanamingh Village: ~ Saidagram,
Po khartayajani,
Police station Muttunga,
District: Mymensingh

Officer's information:

Name of the name and the last name of the trumpet Date of appointment: Date of joining the current office. Address of the current address of the current address
1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11
01 Md. Mustafa Kamal
UO Upazila Accounting Office,
Mymensingh 01/05/1964 as the editor of 04/09/1988,
As S.S, Super 14/10/1999,
As ando as 02/04/2007 yng 28/03/19017 Village: Dighir Parr
PO Hallimabad
District-Mymensingh Upazila Parishad Dormitory,